▼M&M SYNTECH Unit Organic Seminar
16th March, 2018, 142 Lecture Room, Eng. Building No. 1
Professor Qingzhi Gao (高清志)
School of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology, Tianjin Univ., China
Lecture "Sugar-conjugated carbon π-bowls, as theranostic anticancer agents: molecular design and medicinal chemistry"
▼THE M&M SYNTHECH Unit Organic Seminar @ 142 Lecture Room, 4F, Eng. Build. No. 1, Nagoya University on 2nd March, 2018
Professor Scott A. Snyder
Department of Chemistry
The University of Chicago, Chicago, USA
"Strategies and Tactics for the Rapid Assembly of Natural Products"
▼THE 2nd M&M SYNTHECH Unit International Meeting 2017 @ Venture Hall, Venture Business Laboratory, Nagoya University on 4th December, 2017
▼IGER Organic Seminar
Dr. Nobuyoshi Yasuda
Senior Principal Chemist Merck Research Labs,
Process Research Kenilworth, NJ 07065, USA
"The Art of Process Chemistry"
▼IGER Organic Seminar (MBLA Lectureship)
金沢大学 理工研究域 物質化学系
生越 友樹 教授
「超分子集合体を形成する柱型環状分子Pillar[n]arene合成」(Pillar-Shaped Macrocyclic Compounds "Pillar[n]arenes": from Simple Molecular Receptors to Bulk Supramolecular Assemblies)
▼講演会「分子をつなぐキューピット!? 触媒が広げた化
■日 時:2017年10月9日(月祝)14:00~
■会 場:名古屋大学 理学南館 坂田・平田ホール
■趣 旨:有機化学研究は名古屋大学の世界的な強みのひ
■内 容:
・14:00~14:05 開会・挨拶
・14:05~14:20 講演1:中寛史(名古屋大学
・14:20~15:05 講演2:山本尚(中部大学分
・15:05~15:35 講演3:石原一彰(名古屋大
・15:50~16:30 ディスカッションと質疑応答
■対 象:一般市民(中学生以上、200名程度)
■申 込:事前申込制、先着順。以下のページからお申込
▼IGER Organic Seminar (CCP-ACP Lectureship) @ Venture Hall, VBL on 26th September, 2017.
Prof. Ran Hong (Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
"Development of Novel Strategies and Methods in Polyketide Synthesis"
▼IGER Organic Seminar @ the meeting room of ES building on 19th September, 2017.
▼IGER Seminar (pre-HALCHEM VIII) 2017.09.11 (Mon.) 16:30-18:00 @ The Venture Hall, 3F, VBL
Prof. Dr. David A. Nagib
Deaprtment of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Ohaio State University, Ohaio State, USA
"Radical Relay Chaperones”
▼IGER Seminar (pre-HALCHEM VIII) 2017.09.04 (Mon.) 16:30-18:00 @ The Venture Hall, 3F, VBL
Prof. Dr. Boris J. Nachtsheim
Institute of Organic and Analytical Chemistry, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany
"Novel Alkynylation Strategies with Hypervalent Iodine Compounds”
▼IGER Seminar 2017.7.21 (Fri.) 16:30-18:00 @ 1101 Lecture Room, 10F, Eng. Build. 1
Prof. Jeng-Liang Han(韓政良)
Department of Chemistry, Chung Yan Christian University (中原大学), Taiwan
"Asymmetric Assembly of a Structurally and Stereochemically Complex Spirooxindole δ-Lactones through Organocatalytic Vinylogous Aldol−Cyclization Cascade Reaction”
デザイン型ルイス酸触媒と破壊的イノベーション(Destructive Innovation - Future of Chemical Science) 山本尚先生(中部大学教授・分子性触媒研究センター長)
▼IGER Seminar 2017.5.11 (Thu.) 15:00-18:00 @ VBL Hall, 3F, VBL
硤合 憲三 教授
砂塚 敏明 教授・研究推進センター長
▼IGER Seminar 2017.2.27 (Mon.) 16:30-18:00 @ VBL Hall, 3F, VBL
■Prof. Dr. Mukund Prahaladarao Sibi
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, North Dakota State University, North Dakota, USA
Cooperativity in Catalysis: A Novel Method for Enantioselective Transformations with Complex Substrates