学年 D1 (G30)
所属学会 Japan Chemical Society
石原研 Ohmura G
研究課題 Highly efficient peptide synthesis using catalytic dehydrative condensation reaction
主担当 光制御系(2024年度)、特殊装置系(MW反応装置/耐圧反応容器/クーゲル)(2023年度)、温度制御係(低温恒温槽/–78度冷凍庫/融点測定機)(2023年度)
副担当 特殊装置系(MW反応装置/耐圧反応容器/クーゲル)(2024年度)、BWR・CT係(2023年度)
Motto 靡不有初,鮮克有終。 「詩·大雅·蕩」より
All are good at first, but few prove themselves to be so
at last.
Education & Work Experience
09.2016 — 07.2020: Nankai University, Department of Materials Chemistry (China)
10.2021 — 09.2023 : Nagoya University, Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Material Chemistry, Master Course (G30) (Professor Kazuaki Ishihara and and Assist. Prof. Shuhei Ohmura)
[Join us since 28th April, 2022]
10.2023 — : Nagoya University, Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Material Chemistry, Doctor Course (G30) (Professor Kazuaki Ishihara and Assist. Prof. Shuhei Ohmura)
1. Oct., 2021–Sep., 2023: pre-Research assistant (pre-RA) of Graduate Program of Transformative Chem-Bio Research (GTR), Nagoya University
2. Oct. 1, 2023–Sep. 30, 2026: The THERS Interdisciplinary Frontier Next Generation Researcher (Decarbonization & Environment)(東海国立大学機構融合フロンティア次世代リサーチャー(脱炭素・環境))
Shuhei Ohmura, Tatsuya Ishikawa, Qianchun Huang, Takahiro Horibe, Kazuaki Ishihara*
Oral Presentation
1. Highly Effective 1,3,2-Dioxaborolan-4-one Catalyst for Dehydrative Condensation of Carboxylic Acids with
○Qianchun Huang, Syuhei Ohmura, Kazuaki Ishihara
The 103rd CSJ Annual Meeting (2023), K704-2vn-11, 2022.3.22~25[A-lecture]
Noda Campus, Tokyo University of Science, Chiba, Japan
2. Development of 1,3,2-Dioxaborolan-4-one Catalyst for Dehydrative Condensation toward
Peptide Synthesis
○Qianchun Huang, Syuhei Ohmura, Kazuaki Ishihara
The 104th CSJ Annual Meeting (2024), E1142-3am-05, 2024.3.18~21[A-lecture]
Funabashi Campus, College of Science and Technology, Nihon University, Chiba, Japan
Poster Presentation
1. 1,3,2-Dioxaborolan-4-one-catalyzed Dehydrative Condensation of Carboxylic Acids with Amines
toward Peptide Synthesis
○Qianchun Huang, Syuhei Ohmura, Kazuaki Ishihara
2. Highly Effective 1,3,2-Dioxaborolan-4-one Catalyst for Dehydrative Amidation toward Peptide
○Qianchun Huang, Syuhei Ohmura, Kazuaki Ishihara
第54回中部化学関係学協会支部連合秋季大会、Poster 2P-29、三重大学、2023.11.11–12.
3. Toward Green Synthesis of Peptide: 1,3,2-Dioxaborolan-4-one Catalyzed Dehydrative
○Qianchun Huang, Syuhei Ohmura, Kazuaki Ishihara
第57回天然物化学談話会, Poster 53