HUANG Jianhao (黄 剑豪) Profile

学年 D2 (G30)

所属学会 The Chemical Society of Japan

石原研 ISHIHARA G(HATANO G (~2019))

研究課題 Development of Lewis acid-assisted chiral Brønsted acid-catalyzed enantioselective carbonyl-ene cyclization

主担当 特殊装置係(2024年度)、光制御系(IR/React IR/旋光計/光反応装置)(2023年度)、重溶媒/エタノール/一般溶媒係(トルエン、クロロホルム、エンカメチレン、脱水溶媒ライン)(2022年度)、溶媒棚係(A, B, C, D棚)(2021年度)、特殊装置係(MW反応装置/耐圧反応容器/クーゲル)・試薬管理係温度制御係(低温恒温槽/–78℃冷蔵庫/融点測定機)(2020年度)

副担当 光制御系(IR/React IR/旋光計/光反応装置)(2024年度)溶媒棚係(A, B, C, D棚)(2023, 2022年度)、特殊装置係(MW反応装置/耐圧反応容器/クーゲル)・試薬管理係温度制御係(低温恒温槽/–78℃冷蔵庫/融点測定機)(2021年度)

Motto Ad astra per aspera (“Our aspirations take us to the stars / To the stars through hardships.”)

Education & Work Experience

Sep., 2015–2019.07: Zhengzhou University, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering (China)

Bachelor thesis "Palladium catalyzed asymmetric annulation of allenes with 2-idobenzoic acid”

Oct., 2019–Sep. 2021 : Nagoya University, Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Material Chemistry (Professor Kazuaki Ishihara, Associate Professor Manabu Hatano)

Oct., 2021– : Nagoya University, Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Material Chemistry, Doctor Course (G30) (Professor Kazuaki Ishihara)



1. Jan., 2020–Sep., 2021: pre-Research assistant (pre-RA) of Graduate Program of Transformative Chem-Bio Research (GTR), Nagoya University

2. Oct., 2021–July, 2024: the THERS Interdisciplinary Frontier Next Generation Researcher (東海国立大学機構融合フロンティア次世代リサーチャー)

3. April 1, 2022–March 31, 2025: DC1, JSPS

4. October, 2024 MVR



1. "Synthesis, structure, magnetic properties of a 2D (3,4,5)-connected framework based on the

    tetranuclear Cu4 units"

    Duan, Y.; Huang, J.; Liu, S.; Yu, T.; Li, J.*; Hao, Y.; Liu, Z.*; Liu, B.*

    Inorg. Chem. Comm. 2017, 81, 47–50.

2. "Fluoride-free and low concentration template synthesis of hierarchical Sn-Beta zeolites: efficient

    catalysts for conversion of glucose to alkyl lactate

    Yang, X.; Bian, J.; Huang, J.; Xin, W.; Lu, T.; Chen C.; Su, Y.; Zhou, L.*

    Green Chem. 2017,19, 692–701.

3. "2,3-Allenoic acids via palladium-catalyzed carboxylation of propargylic alcohols"

    Zheng, W.; Zhang, W.; Huang, J.; Yu, Y.; Qian, H.*; Ma, S.*

    Org. Chem. Front. 2018, 5, 1900–1904.

4. "Enantio- and diastereoselective carbonyl-ene cyclization–acetalization tandem reaction  

     catalyzed by tris(pentafluorophenyl)borane-assisted chiral phosphoric acids"

     Ishihara, H.; Huang, J.; Mochizuki, T.; Hatano, M.;* Ishihara, K.*
     ACS Catal. 2021, 11, 6121–6127.
5. "Chiral π–Cu(II)-catalyzed site-, exo/endo-, and enantioselective dearomative (3+2) cycloadditions of
     isoquinolinium ylides with enamides, dienamides, and a trienamide"

    Weiwei Guo, Jianhao Huang, Kazuaki Ishihara*

    Chem. Sci. 2024, accepted.


Oral Presentation

1. Boron Lewis Acid-Assisted Chiral Phosphoric Acid Catalysts for Enantioselective Carbonyl-Ene


    Jianhao Huang, Takuya Mochizuki, Manabu Hatano, Kazuaki Ishihara


 2. Enantio- and Diastereoselective Carbonyl-Ene Cyclization–Acetalization Tandem Reaction Catalyzed by

     Boron Lewis Acid assisted Chiral Phosphoric Acids

    Jianhao Huang, Takuya Mochizuki, Manabu Hatano, Kazuaki Ishihara


 3. Phosphone-catalyzed Asymmetric Cyclization

    Jianhao Huang

    Ishihara Lab. M2 Seminar, 30th Aug., 2021

4. Enantioselective Carbonyl-Ene Cascade Cyclization Reaction Catalyzed by Boron Lewis Acid- 

   assisted Chiral Brønsted Acid

   Jianhao Huang, Kazuaki Ishihara

   The 104th CSJ Annual Meeting (2024), E1143-1vn-06, 2024.3.18~21[A-lecture]

   Funabashi Campus, College of Science and Technology, Nihon University, Chiba, Japan


Poster Presentation

1. P4-034 Boron Lewis Acid-Assisted Chiral Phosphoric Acid Catalysts for Enantioselective

    Carbonyl-Ene Cyclization/Acetalization

    Jianhao Huang,1 Takuya Mochizuki,1 Manabu Hatano,2 Kazuaki Ishihara1

    (Nagoya Univ.;1 Kobe Pharmaceutical Univ.2)


2. Boron Lewis acid-assisted chiral phosphoric acid catalysts for enantioselective carbonyl-ene

    cyclizaion–acetalization tandem reaction

     Jianhao Huang, Takuya Mochizuki, Manabu Hatano, Kazuaki Ishihara
     GTR Annual Meeting 2020、P-302、名古屋大学 (online)、2021年1月9日

3. Boron Lewis acid-assisted chiral phosphoric acid catalysts for enantioselective carbonyl-ene

    cyclizaion–acetalization tandem reaction

     Jianhao Huang, Takuya Mochizuki, Manabu Hatano, Kazuaki Ishihara
     GTR Annual Meeting 2021、P-202、名古屋大学 (online)、2021年1月9日






Postdoctoral and graduate students is being recruited.In our laboratory will be accepted at any time undergraduate, graduate student visits to laboratories.Those who wish, please contact us by e-mail to Professor Ishihara.



国立大学法人 東海国立大学機構


大学院工学研究科 有機・高分子化学専攻(工学部 化学生命工学科)


〒464-8603 名古屋市千種区不老町



Laboratory of Catalysis in Organic Synthesis, Research Group of Molecular Chemistry, Graduate Department of Molecular and Macromolecular Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering (Undergraduate Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, School of Engineering), Nagoya University

Tokai National Higher Education and Research System

B2-3(611), Furo-cho, Chikusa, Nagoya 464-8603, Japan