学位 Master of Engineering (G30), 28 Sep., 2020
所属学会 The Chemical Society of Japan
石原研 ISHIHARA G(HATANO G (~2019))
研究課題 Developement of chemoselective transestericiation catalysis
主担当 特殊装置係(MW反応装置/耐圧反応容器/クーゲル)・試薬管理係温度制御係(低温恒温槽/–78℃冷蔵庫/融点測定機)(2020年度)
副担当 -(2020年度)
資格 第3種放射線業務従事者免許
Jun., 2013: National University of Singapore, School of Science, Bachelor of Science Second Class Honours (Upper) in Chemistry (Instructor : Professor Zhao Yu, The Zhao Research Group)
Jun., 2014: National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University of Singapore
Post Graduate Diploma in Education
Feb., 2018: Ministry of Education – Boon Lay Secondary School, Singapore
General Education Officer 2-3 (Teacher)
Sep., 2020: Nagoya University, Japan, Graduate School of Engineering, Chemistry Graduate Program (Master’s Program) (Instructor: Professor Kazuaki Ishihara, Associate Professor Manabu Hatano).
Master thesis "Chemoselective Transesterification of Methyl (Meth)acrylates Catalyzed by Metal Aryloxides"
Oct., 2020: University of Hambrug (Instructor: Prof. Dr. Jacobi von Wangelin)
1. Ministry of Education Teaching Award, Singapore, (Jun., 2010)
1. “Chemoselective Transesterification of Methyl (Meth)acrylates Catalyzed by Sodium(I) or
Magnesium(II) Aryloxides"
Jie Qi Ng, Hiro Arima, Takuya Mochizuki, Kohei Toh, Kai Matsui, Manussada Ratanasak,
Jun-Ya Hasegawa*, Manabu Hatano*, and Kazuaki Ishihara*
1. Extremely Efficient Transesterification by Using Metal Phenoxide Catalysts
Jie Qi Ng、有馬弘、望月拓哉、藤浩平、波多野学、石原一彰
1. Extremely Efficient Synthesis of Acrylates by Catalytic Transesterification
Jie Qi Ng、有馬弘、望月拓哉、藤浩平、波多野学、石原一彰